Family & Collaborative Law

Collab_logoUndoubtedly family breakdown is for many one of the mot upsetting and stressful experiences they will go through, particularly when children are involved.

We believe that our wide ranging options of resolving family disputes by putting the focus on the future is unique.

The Department is led by partner Karen Beevers, who has been working exclusively in family law for over 15 years. Her empathetic and sensitive manner is renowned locally as a leading family solicitor, collaborative lawyer and accredited mediator. Her work is recognised as an Accredited Resolution specialist family solicitor.

We think that the feedback below from a client whose case was conducted collaboratively says much more than we can about what we do & how we can go about it:

“No-one ever comes out of a divorce thinking, ‘I’m so glad I did that’ but for me, I can say that the collaborative law approach was the right choice for our situation.

Firstly, it enabled us to have a much quicker and in all probability, cheaper solution than the traditional court approach.

Secondly it meant that we both had the independent support of trained and experienced professionals to help us work out a solution for moving forwards together. Yes, we both had to make some compromises but at least with this approach we were in control of what these were and could focus on the main things important to us!

I can’t lie, with the collaborative approach, there were a lot of nerves and emotions in the first collective meeting but we were both properly supported emotionally and legally and there was always time and space given where required for us to have a break or liaise with our own solicitor. Also, those meetings really did enable me to understand that whilst the relationship had broken down, my ex-husband did really still care for me and my future.

My solicitor was absolutely fantastic – friendly, approachable, empathetic, understanding, whilst also being strong, honest and realistic. She even had a sense of humour! She helped me to focus on the important things for me to move on and as a result, I’m now settled in a new house and incredibly grateful”

We are able to advise and represent on all aspects of family law to include divorce, separation, cohabitee and property issues, children, financial matters and emergency injunctions. We have extensive advocacy experience in the Family Court.

The quality of the work is recognised by the Legal Aid Agency with the award of a family law contract with legal aid funding in limited circumstances where available.

If we can help you please get in touch with Karen Beevers